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14 High-risk HPV with 16 / 18 Genotyping Real-time PCR Kit


14 High-risk HPV with 16 / 18 Genotyping Real-time PCR Kit

Ref: HBRT-H14

The Hyrbribio High-risk (HR) HPV Real-time PCR Detection Kit is designed for in vitro detection of 14 High-risk HPV types with specific detection of HPV 16 and 18 genotypes in cervical cell specimens. Signals can be detected from the fluorescent reporter dye once it is separated from the quencher dye during the amplification process.



  • Detection of 14 High-risk HPV types pool with specific detection of HPV 16 and HPV 18 in ONE single reaction
  • CE-IVD marked and NMPA registered
  • Specific detection of 2 high-risk HPV genotypes: HPV 16 & HPV 18
  • Open platform, compatible to most real-time PCR instruments with FAM, HEXJJOE, ROX/Red 610 and Cy5 detection channel
  • High sensitivity and specificity: >95% (compared to FDA approved kit)
  • Include cellular Internal Control (IC) for monitoring of the entire process


  • Cervical swab (pap smear)
  • Liquid based cytology specimen (e.g. Thin prep, Sure path, Roche Female Swab Sample Kit, Hybribio Famale Sample Collection Kit)
  • Urine sample
  • Exfoliated skin cells using sandpaper around genital area (Male)


  • Easy to operate within 45 minutes of hands-on time
  • No specific requirement on RT-PCR instrument
  • Triage and management of patients with ASCUS & LSIL
  • Genotyping of the HPV 16, 18, 15 High-risks and 6 Low-risks